English follows Japanese
2025年度 企画展《憩いのおへや展》
【定休】火曜日(祝日は営業)※ 8月無休
【時間】11〜3月:10:00〜17:00 / 4〜10月:10:00〜17:30(最終入館各30分前)
2025 Exhibition《Welcome to the miniature villa of your dreams》
Dollhouse Exhibition (Permanent)
From atmospheric Japanese Dollhouses from the early 1900s (Taisho to Showa periods), and Western villa that you would love to have as your holiday home… A collection of small, unique dollhouses from all over the world, perfect for spending holidays!
From atmospheric Japanese Dollhouses from the early 1900s (Taisho to Showa periods), and Western villa that you would love to have as your holiday home… A collection of small, unique dollhouses from all over the world, perfect for spending holidays!
Apr.26 (Sat) 2025 – Jan.12 (Mon), 2026
*Closed on Tuesdays (open on national holidays)
▼Hours (Last entry 30 min. before closing)
Nov – Mar: 10:00-17:00 / Apr – Oct : 10:00-17:30
Admission : Adults ¥ 1,800 / Students (junior high school, high school
and university) ¥ 1,500 / Children (elementary school students) ¥ 1,200 / Preschool children free
and university) ¥ 1,500 / Children (elementary school students) ¥ 1,200 / Preschool children free